10 biggest misconceptions of website security
by: Amit Pankaj on July 09, 2012 in RoundupsWebsite security is essential for unlimited growth and smooth operation of a business in any sphere. Only a secure website can achieve the proposed targets in the long run by winning over the confidence of users. If proper security measures are not applied, any website might be hacked and thus, its dream of reaching to targets would be busted. Ignoring security measures and relying on the instincts won’t pay for sure, and will only add to the myths of website security. In this write up, we would discuss 10 biggest misconceptions of website security.
My website won’t be hacked
Many a time, being too confident about never being hacked becomes the cause of troubles. Any website designed and developed runs the danger of being hacked sooner or later and hence, steps must be taken to avert the looming danger. A wide range of purposes are solved through hacking, like date theft, reputation tarnish, malware distribution, and envy. As a result, many types of people can hack the website and hence, the owners must take steps to avoid the danger. -
Backup is available, no tension
Assuming backup a viable alternative for security is a misconception that must never be harbored. Having backups is indeed a sound protective mechanism, though they can’t be relied too much for sure-shot security. Backups can never lend completeness to the hacked website as many aspects are never recovered ever after the hacking. More so, each and everything won’t be available in the backup and hence, few issues would still remain unsolved. -
The developer is there, no problem
In majority of cases, website owners put complete faith in the abilities of developers keep security issues at bay. Most of the owners assume that the developer-in-charge would solve each and every issue of a website security. A developer can’t be either relied completely or blamed thoroughly if there are cases of security lapses. After all, factors like codes, system configuration, hosting, missing files etc can be the cause of security breach. -
The firewall will take care of security
Assuming that a firewall is enough to secure a website is misconception that must be got rid of at the earliest. Firewalls are indeed helpful to control unwanted traffic to the server, though they have their set of limitations. They are good at dealing with known issues, though can’t be relied too much for unknown factors and issues. A firewall fails to secure the website from business logic issues, new attacks, custom code issues etc. -
The Operating System would do the job
A website that claims security on the basis of operating system and software must step up the tempo for more enhanced security. It’s not true that Operating systems like Unix-like, Mac and Windows are safe and won’t allow hacking. Whether a website is secure or not can never be ascertained only through the Operating System; a range of issues can breach the security, like XSS, login systems, registration and phishing etc. -
SSL is in place, rest assured
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate indicates that data transmission between the server and user is in encrypted format. It means, the transmission is secure and the data won’t be stolen mid-way during the transmission. It’s a misconception that the SSL or TLS certificate would add to the website security as there are many factors that count for security of a website. So SSL is never sufficient for security and other steps have to be taken. -
Encrypted data means foolproof security
Encrypted date in transit and storage as indeed a good strategy to secure a website, they are not full-proof, though. Hackers of today have access to innovative tools to decrypt any type of data anywhere and hence, this strategy is not as reliable as assumed. By using strong algorithm and securing the keys of encryption, the level of security would indeed be enhanced, though never totally relied upon for the website security. -
Vulnerability scanner tool would be adequate
Believing that a vulnerability scanner tool is more than enough to secure a website is a misconception that must be removed sooner than later. This tool can detect vulnerabilities up to some extent, though will fail to do the same for business logic issues. When other variable change so quickly, this tool would be good for dealing with minor issues, not major ones. -
Automatically patched workstations will save us
Hoping that the automatically patched workstations in place for users would be sound website security strategy would be a misconception. Irrespective of the updated anti-spyware and anti-virus installation, security issues would always loom large on the horizon. A network can be sneaked into through many ways and patched computers are not that reliant for security purpose. -
SLA is a viable strategy
To believe that SLA (Service Level Agreement) with the hosting provider would be enough to secure a website is a misconception that must be avoided. The host provider indeed offers pre-defined uptime, though it can expire if not considered rightly. If a website stops working, the host is not responsible for that; the performance and hacking are also not the tension of the host. Relying too much on SLA and not making proper arrangement for smooth functioning of website is a bad ploy.
Conclusion:Website security is a delicate issue that forces owners and webmasters to contemplate for better future and hassle-free business operation. Every website is equally vulnerable for hacking and thus, must be protected. This article has listed 10 biggest misconceptions of website security and invites users to add more to the list.
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About the Author
Amit Pankaj
Visit Personal WebsiteAssociated with a specialized division of Creativeweblogix. He specializes in Social Media, Content Management and SEO is what he deals with, while sharing information and insights on PHP-based CMSs like WordPress and Joomla. XhtmlJunction is known for providing effective PSD to HTML and PSD to WORDPRESS transformation at reasonable prices. You can follow us on G+ for latest updates related to web design and development.
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